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1. mRNA sequencing

mRNA sequencing enables profiling of all mRNAs transcripted from cells under specific conditions. It is a powerful technology for revealing gene expression profile, gene structures and molecular mechanisms of certain biological processes. To date, mRNA sequencing has been widely employed in fundamental research, clinical diagnostics, drug development, etc.


Sample requirement:

Library Type

Sample Type


RNA Integrity Number
(Agilent 2100)


Eukaryotic RNA-Seq
(cDNA library)

Total RNA

≥ 0.5 μg

≥ 6.8 (Animal), with smooth base line
≥ 6.3 (Plant and Fungus), with smooth base line

OD260/280 = 1.8-2.2;
OD260/230 ≥ 1.8;

Total RNA (Blood)

≥ 0.8 μg

Total RNA (Single Cell)

≥ 100 ng

Amplified cDNA


≥ 100 ng

Fragments between 400bp and 5000bp with main

peak at ~2000bp

OD260/280 = 1.8-2.0;
OD260/230 ≥ 1.8;

Eukaryotic RNA-Seq
(strand specific library)

Total RNA

≥ 0.8 μg

≥ 6.8 (Animal), with smooth base line
≥ 6.3 (Plant and Fungus), with smooth base line

OD260/280 = 1.8-2.2;
OD260/230 ≥ 1.8;



2. Long non-coding RNA sequencing


Long non-coding RNA sequencing service (lncRNA-seq) is a comprehensive next-generation method to detect the transcripts with a length of over 200nt, which do not encode protein and perform as regulatory elements in multiple biological processes. However, the progressive library preparation enables information enrichment and gene expression profiling for both coding and non-coding transcripts from a high-sensitive transcriptomic perspective. Bioinformatic analysis does not reveals the quantification and functional enrichment of the target transcripts, but also indicates the strand orientation and regulatory relation of lncRNA targeted mRNA.


Sample requirement:

Library Type

Sample Type


RNA Integrity Number
(Agilent 2100)


lncRNA Library

Total RNA


Animal  6.5, Plant  6, with smooth baseline

OD260/280 = 1.8-2.2;
OD260/230  1.8;

Exosomal lncRNA Library

Exosomal RNA


Peak between 25-200nt, FU> 10, no peak > 2000nt


3. Small RNA sequencing


Beibi Biology offers comprehensive Small RNA Sequencing service (sRNA-seq), to investigate the regulatory network of noncoding RNA of 18-40nt in length, especially for microRNA (miRNA) transcripts. Variations in miRNA can be correlated with gene silencing and post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression, which provides researchers an effective method of regulating target on mRNAs with unprecedented sensitivity and high resolution. Bioinformatic analysis of sRNA-seq illustrates differential expression of miRNAs, structural alterations and discovery of novel small RNAs via a high throughput research technique.


Library Type

Sample Type


RNA Integrity Number
(Agilent 2100)


Small RNA Library

Total RNA

 2 ug

Animal  7.5, Plant  7, with smooth baseline;

OD260/280 = 1.8-2.2;
OD260/230  1.8;

Exosomal Small RNA Library

Exosomal RNA


Peak between 25-200nt, FU> 10, no peak > 2000nt


Copyright © 2017 C-Bong
Baoding Beibi Biology Science And Technology Co., Ltd
Tel: +86-19912121133
Email: liyuelong2020@163.com
Address: F1, Street frontispiece, Shangke Century City, Wangdu County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, China.